Saturday, April 4, 2020

Heeding The Call

Wow! How could this happen in our country? So many of us are asking ourselves this question.

I don't blame the government for not being able to control the COLVIN-19 Virus

The world was in trouble long before it arrived. People have forgotten how to pray, given up on prayer and in some cases, never prayed.

I wasn’t raised in a Christian family. Parishioners from a Baptist church showed up at our house one day. They offered to have a bus bring my brothers and me to church and return us home after the service ended. That was all my parents needed to hear. It gave them a break from six noisy children on a Sunday.

Thank God for that church. At eleven years old I accepted Christ as my personal savior.
I didn’t walk in the ways that were pleasing to God until many years later, but the foundation was set.

As I got older I made a lot of poor choices. Some of them very painful. Although looking back, everything I went through gave me a better understanding of what I wanted and what God wanted from me.

Our world has been unfaithful to God through our acts of disobedience for a long time. What made us think we could go on living the way we have and there would not be consequences.
Alcoholism, drugs, pornography, greed, infidelity, on and on. Did you know infidelity applies to Christ as well as spouses and partners? We are cheating God when we stray from His will for us.

When I saw the self-centeredness of our young adults on the beach in Florida during spring break, I shuttered. Even COLVIN-19, as serious as it is, has not detoured them from how they think. I wonder what will happen when our older generation passes away. There are so few millennials that care to practice Christianity. Who will teach the next generation? I’ve tried to talk to my adult children and their friends. They don’t want to hear it. They are of the new age mindset and are blinded to traditional Christian values like so many of this generation.

Only an act of God can change this world. Perhaps this is it. I’m so sorry we have to lose so many precious loved ones in the process. I’m so grateful to the angels on the front lines of this Pandemic who have given so much of themselves to help others. Some have had to live in total isolation from their families.

How can anyone be prepared psychologically for anything like this? 

We can’t. 
What we can do, even if it's for the first time is to turn our eyes to God and pray.
Find a place where you can be alone. Speak out loud to God as if he was right next to you, because he is, in spirit.
Ask Him to forgive you for everything you have ever done that was disobedient in His eyes
(this is sin-it’s recognizing and admitting that we have not lived the life, God, our creator intended for us.)
See yourself free from the deception of the evil one and ask Jesus to come into your heart and dwell there. Believe in Him and He will fill you with His Holy Spirit. That was the prayer I said when I was young. 

Many years later, tired of being in emotional pain, I lit a candle one night. I got on my knees and poured my heart out again. This time I wanted to change. I wanted the pain to go away and I wanted to live.

I started praying every day. It didn’t matter what my circumstances were, I just knew I had to stay on the path of obedience to God. I knew the difference between right and wrong. It was as if I was seeing clearly for the first time. Everything became a choice. I began watching Christian programs. I didn’t go to church, but I needed to hear how to change.

Christian programming offers a diverse selection of speakers. For me it was personal. I needed messages I could identify with. I asked God to put the personalities before me that I could learn from. Their message helped guide me and kept me on track while I continued to pray. They quoted scriptures from the Bible. Eventually, I started reading it as if it were any other book. Although it’s advised to start reading the New Testament, John, Romains. I found the old testament to be very interesting as well. With a sincere desire...I prayed for understanding before I began reading.

 In the NKJV Bible James 1:5 says
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given Him.

In my daily prayers, I ask God for wisdom and understanding. Wisdom is the gift of good judgment, knowledge, common sense, and experience. It’s inner self-awareness of good choices.

Though these are uncertain times and fearful as they may be our hope is in the Lord.
Just as the virus is contagious, so is the remedy. Heed the call our creator is shouting at us and ask someone you know to join you.

If you don’t have a bible you can download the Bible app for free at
Every day that God allows us to wake-up is another opportunity to grow in the way
He wants us to live.

Stay Home, Be Safe and God Bless to all
Inspiring Souls

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Covered in Love

Do you ever find yourself completely frustrated by people behind the desk of an insurance company, doctor's office, or the other end of the phone?  
Having recently moved, I found myself having to re-address situations quite frequently, even though I took great care in notifying all the entities needed to ensure a smooth move.

One particular incident with a doctor's office made me realize that perhaps God was giving me practice in communication. 
Apparently, someone from my insurance company did not put the correct information into my file, causing me to be uninsured. My long-awaited and much-needed doctor's appointment was going to be canceled if I didn't straighten it out quickly.
Fortunately, a lovely woman with much experience in dealing with these circumstances brought me into her office. With a warm smile and a calm voice, she asked me to have a seat while she spoke to the insurance company trying to get to the root of the problem. 
After nearly an hour of going back and forth on hold, we managed to get it resolved with a code that would allow me to have the visit paid for.

That hour we spent together gave us a chance to get to know each other a bit. We complemented each other, talked about faith and shared our frustration together. Her calm manner helped to de-escalate the situation.
Before leaving I thanked her and gave her a big hug. By the time I left the doctor's office, I felt like a different person than when I arrived. 

How often do you share genuine emotion with strangers you meet in the coarse of your day? I've come to understand that when I take the time to truly connect with people emotionally, dropping my translucent wall of protection, I feel good about them and myself when I leave. 

Do you think looking someone in the eyes while sincerely listening and caring about what they have to say would make a difference in how they feel when they leave us?

As I ponder my recent acquaintances it brings me to the thought of love. How can we truly express love to others in our daily encounters? 

1) Find something about them to sincerely compliment.

2) Look them in the eyes when you are conversing,
acknowledging them with a nod of understanding and agreement.

3) Use the voice you would use if you were speaking to Jesus when you talk.

4) Do a random act of kindness daily and don't tell anyone you did it

5) Listen when God speaks to your heart regarding others.

When I'm tuned in to the Lord I find myself in tune with others on a much deeper level. 
Quite often someone will enter my thoughts and I intuitively know I am supposed to reach out to that person. 
It may be with a letter or a card relating to something they're going through. It may be a phone call just to let them know I'm thinking of them.
There's the homeless person we see on our way to work every day. 
Buy them a doughnut and a cup of coffee some time. 
Look for opportunities to be emotionally available for others. You never know when someone needs an ear to listen.

The times we live in today make us want to stay in our inner circles and hide behind texting and social media. 
The problem is we lose sight of the importance to connect on a truly emotional level with people in the real world. 
I feel good when I leave someone who I truly connected with. Do you?
I'm coming to the realization that the more I seek the opportunities to genuinely connect with people, the happier I am. 
Do you think perhaps this is the kind of love for one another God intended for us to have?

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 
Do everything in love. 1 Corinthians 16:14

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Inspiring Souls

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

In The Midst Of Dissension

Here I am again, feeling crushed. It’s almost like I can’t breathe sometimes. He just sucks the life out of me until there’s nothing left. I feel so alone, but I know I’m not. 

"God acknowledges me and my pain." 

   Do you ever feel like this?

As I scan across the internet or glance at a phrase I see somewhere, I hear God’s comforting words. He reminds me, that it’s through the pain that His greatest works are achieved. He loves me unconditionally. 

Suddenly, once again, I see him clearly.  It's the enemy. He wants to destroy everything that’s good. Families are at the top of the list. 
I struggle with remaining calm, during the enemy’s flaming attacks. My natural instinct is to react. Before I know it, I’m in the midst of the hell I allowed him to create. Then I recognize it, for what it is …

Satan's dissension...
It’s everywhere, our streets, our government and in our families. 

As a Christian, I can walk away from a fight, re-adjust myself and turn my spiritual view on the situation, even though it’s painful. 
But what about those people who don’t have a spiritual view? 

We interact with them daily. It’s difficult to tolerate them while waiting for God to refine them. 
Even more difficult, is knowing he uses them to refine me.

These are the times we must be aware of dissension and recognize it when we're in the midst of it. Not only the politicians are constantly fighting, but it's also all of us, and the enemy’s behind it. 

      Prayer is the strongest weapon we have.

There’s never been a time I can think of, the world needed prayer more than now. Sometimes I don’t even have words to pray. All I can do is fall on my knees and cry. 
God knows our hearts and our situations. He wants us to keep praying and never lose hope.
He will not fail us!

When dissension rises up and affects our relationships, we need to stop and examine where it’s really coming from. 

“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” Ephesians 6:11

God created us to love each other, raise each other up and it pains Him to see us suffer because of our choices. He’s given us the freedom to choose our words, our thought's, and our actions. 

Just as a parent loves their child, He loves us and will continue to refine us. He will bring us to our knees by allowing difficulties in our lives because he loves us. 

He wants us to grow closer to Him, seek His guidance, and rely on Him rather than ourselves. 
If we seek His help only during difficulties, then we are self- reliant the rest of the time. That's the place in which the enemy loves.
Satan waits, quietly lurking, ready to pounce the moment we allow self-reliance to run the show. 

Man can not serve God and Satan at the same time. Who will we be most mindful of?

Feeding into dissension will bring us to our knees eventually, but know this:

1. God is in the mix, even if we don't see Him 

3. Our losses will be temporary.

Let’s put on the “Armor of the God” Ephesians 6:14 
and keep our eyes focused on 
“Him who strengthens us” Philippians 4:13

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Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Is that you God?

Have you ever had two events happen at the same time by accident, but yet are connected? Have you ever said to yourself “I must have been in the right place at the right time”?  Some people call these events a coincidence. I’ve come to recognize them as little God moments and I see them often in my life. If we take the time to connect the dots, sometimes we can see God’s gentle hands at work. My family knows, all to well that I try to see God’s hand in all situations. They don’t always agree with my way of thinking, but once in a while I see a glimmer of hope. 

While on vacation in Florida, my husband and I decided to spend the day at one of the lovely pools our resort had to offer. We picked up our towels at the front desk and proceeded to a quiet  area in the back of the resort. We thoughtfully picked our location, second row to the pool, close to the swaying palms for shade and next to a table with an umbrella.
The table appeared to be deserted except for a  bottle of 30 SPF sunscreen. As we nestled into our little piece of paradise, we suddenly realized, we didn’t have sunscreen. Wanting to respect the property of another, we sat, contemplating the bottle on the table. What if it was forgotten? Surely they’d come back for it. Should we use it and take our chance’s? 

An hour went by with no sign of the owners. My husband dropped his T shirt over the back of one of the chairs, partially claiming the table. A few minutes later he was applying the sunscreen and handed the bottle to me. He looked at me and asked “Do you think God put that there”? I deliberately said “yes”
We ordered lunch and sat at the table accompanying the bottle of SPF 30 into the late afternoon. No-one ever came back to claim the sunscreen or the table. As we were gathering our things to leave I asked my husband “What do you want to do with the sunscreen”?

I was so proud to hear him respond “I think we should leave it there”.
Later that afternoon, as I was going out to run an errand, he reminded me not to forget to buy sunscreen. He was pleased when I returned with the same exact bottle, only this one had a 20% off tag on it.

I can’t help but smile when I think how wonderful it was to see him recognize God in a bottle of sunscreen, then blessed with a discount for doing the right thing. We all have little God moments in our lives. The real blessing is when we recognize them.
Or maybe it might be a way for us to start recognizing God in general.  
Do you have an event with a God moment you'd like to share? We would love to hear from you 

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Inspiring Souls

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Marriage & The Tool Box

Marriage isn’t easy, especially in today's world. I’m on the second time around with the same husband. Yes, I know, what was I thinking? To be honest, I was thinking of our grown children, weddings and grandchildren. I realized, most of the reasons our first marriage ended weren’t there anymore and growing old alone wasn’t a pleasant thought. So when my ex-husband asked me to re-marry him, it only made sense to say yes.

We didn’t tell anyone what we were doing, not even our children. We agreed “no outside influences” Our original wedding date was coming up around the time Mr. Charming posed the question. We both thought it would be fitting to amend the error of our ways and re-marry on our original wedding date. 

Our first wedding was near the water, had all the trimmings and was performed by a justice of the peace. We both thought a true church ceremony was important this time. We wanted our nuptials to be said with a minister and the marriage truly blessed by God.
We took a ferry to Block Island, made the arrangements and were blissfully re-married, for about 5 months. At which point Mr. Charming reverted to some of his old ways. The difference this time was me. I refuse to let the enemy get the best of me.

We live in a world where the enemy wants to devour every good thing there is, be it our marriage, family, children, or our spirit. Oh yes, our spirit can feel crushed sometimes, but God is always waiting to restore us.
Sometimes it’s hard to break the negative thinking the enemy entertains us with. Especially when it comes to the people we love the most. 
I have developed a toolbox for those times. It’s a God-inspired toolbox. It’s equipped with all the tools needed to change the channel in my mind and build the opening that allows God’s light to shine through my pain. 
I’ll share a few of my favorite’s:

1.) Pray hard and often
2.) Turn on Christian based music or watch Christian based programming on your TV, phone or internet
3.) Randomly open the Bible and read the first page you come to
4.) Join a Bible study 
5.) Get involved in helping others 
6.) Stay connected to Christian friends
7.) Journal 
8.) Read a good book
9.) Go outside and listen to God in nature

Most importantly…Fight back with LOVE 

I promised God to love this man for better or worse. I didn’t do it well the first time. But God brought us back together and offered us a second chance. I said my vows with a loving conviction and refuse to give up when it gets tough.
My most precious weapon in this battle this time around is my faith and I am fully armored.  

“I can do all things through him who strengthens me”. 
Philippians 4:13 

That includes loving even when it’s difficult to love. 

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Heeding The Call

Wow! How could this happen in our country? So many of us are asking ourselves this question. I don't blame the go...